Jesus Restores Paradise and Feeds Us Freely

July 14, 2024

Take a moment to notice the * at the beginning of various portions of the order of service. The * indicates the place where it is inappropriate to enter or leave the sanctuary because it marks a time of prayer or respect for the Word of the Lord. Please be considerate of others around you by honoring these notations.

AS WE GATHER: In the Garden of Eden, our first parents received food freely from the gracious hand of God, apart from any burdensome work (Gen. 2:7-17).  But after the fall, food would be received only through toil and labor.  The curse declared, “By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground …” (Gen. 3:19).  In other words, “The wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23).  But into this wilderness world came Jesus the Messiah to restore creation.  Having compassion on the weary multitudes, He renewed the bounty of Eden on the third day, freely granting an abundance of bread to the 4,000 (Mark 8:1-9).  So also our Lord Jesus, having endured the burden of our sin, was raised on the third day to bring us back to Paradise.  He now miraculously turns the bread of death into the Bread of Life in the Sacrament, giving you His very body and blood for your forgiveness.  For “the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 6:23).


We receive in faith His counsel that Christ’s very body and blood are present under the bread and wine for our forgiveness.  As we receive Holy Communion today, the whole counsel of God moves us to determine confessional oneness for those who receive the sacrament together.  Out of care for souls and a common confession, we ask that if you do not belong to a Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod congregation or any congregation in altar pulpit fellowship with her, and you choose to approach the table, cross your arms to receive a blessing.


In honor of their 50 Anniversary

- Al and Barb Gregersen



Divine Service I


Opening Hymn:   LSB 578  “Thy Strong Word” v. 1-5

*Confession/Absolution:   LSB 151


*Kyrie: LSB 152ff

*Gloria in Excelsis:   LSB 154

*Salutation:   LSB 156


Pastor: O God,

People: whose never-failing providence orders all things both in heaven and earth, we humbly implore You to put away from us all hurtful things and to give us those things that are profitable for is; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.   Amen.


Catechism Recitation

Review of


Article XXVIII: Of Ecclesiastical Power (cont.)


47] And Christ, Matt. 15:14,13, says of those who require traditions: Let them alone; they be blind leaders of the blind; 48] and He rejects such services: Every plant which My heavenly Father hath not planted shall be plucked up.

49] If bishops have the right to burden churches with infinite traditions, and to ensnare consciences, why does Scripture so often prohibit to make, and to listen to, traditions? Why does it call them "doctrines of devils"? 1 Tim. 4:1. Did the Holy Ghost in vain forewarn of these things?

50] Since, therefore, ordinances instituted as things necessary, or with an opinion of meriting grace, are contrary to the Gospel, it follows that it is not lawful for any bishop 51] to institute or exact such services. For it is necessary that the doctrine of Christian liberty be preserved in the churches, namely, that the bondage of the Law is not necessary to justification, as it is written in the Epistle to the Galatians 5:1: Be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

52] It is necessary that the chief article of the Gospel be preserved, to wit, that we obtain grace freely by faith in Christ, and not for certain observances or acts of worship devised by men.  53] What, then, are we to think of the Sunday and like rites in the house of God? To this we answer that it is lawful for bishops or pastors to make ordinances that things be done orderly in the Church, not that thereby we should merit grace or make satisfaction for sins, or that consciences be bound to judge them necessary services, and to think that it is a sin to break them 54] without offense to others. So Paul ordains, 1 Cor. 11:5, that women should cover their heads in the congregation, 1 Cor. 14:30, that interpreters be heard in order in the church, etc.

Catechism Review             Question #52

Old Testament:    Genesis 2:7-17  Pew Bible Page 4

Epistle:   Romans 6:19-23  Pew Bible Page 1754

*Alleluia and Verse:                 LSB 156

*Holy Gospel:    Mark 8:1-9  Pew Bible Page 1565

*Nicene Creed:   LSB 158

Hymn of the Day: LSB 625 “Lord Jesus Christ, Life-Giving Bread”


Offertory                               LSB 159                                   

*Prayer of the Church

Seventh Sunday after Trinity

14 July 2024

Father, You have adopted us as Your children. You have compassion on us in Christ Jesus, who has won for us the gift of eternal life. Forgive our sins and give us Your Holy Spirit, that being made holy through our Baptism into Christ, we may present ourselves as servants of righteousness leading to sanctification and its end, eternal life. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Heavenly Father, Your Son’s perfect and life-giving deeds have brought salvation to the world. Send forth laborers into Your harvest, that Christ’s name may be exalted and many would call upon Him. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord and Giver of life, You formed us from the dust of the earth and breathed into us Your own breath of life. All people are made in Your image and have dignity and worth in Your sight. Defend Your gift of earthly life at every age, from natural conception to natural death. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Almighty God, look favorably on our government and all in authority. Give them the wisdom and ability needed to promote peace and prosperity in our land, and grant that Your Word would continually be preached freely and openly. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

O merciful Father, sustain the weary, the troubled, the sick and the mourning with the hope of life everlasting. Strengthen them to consider their present sufferings in light of the eternal life You give the faithful. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Gracious Lord, Your Son took the disciples’ bread and blessed it, multiplying it to feed thousands. Receive our offerings and bless them for the work of Your Church, multiplying them to feed countless souls with Your Word and to increase Your kingdom. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, You fed thousands out of Your great compassion, which has been shown to us also through His life, death and resurrection for our sakes. Give all who commune today a firm trust in Your promises, that receiving the forgiveness of sins, we may be strengthened for life and preserved to life everlasting. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord God, heavenly Father, by Your Son You fed 4,000 men, besides women and children, with seven loaves and a few small fish. Graciously abide among us also with Your blessing. Keep us from covetousness and the cares of this life, that we may seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness and, in all things needful for body and soul, receive Your constant help; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

God, please bless America!

Heavenly God Almighty,

You tell us to “not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” (Philippians 4:6).  We thank and praise You our God, You are faithful and trustworthy, full of love, grace and mercy.  Lead and grant Your wisdom to those who lead, legislate and judge in this and other countries.  Heal, comfort, and restore those suffering from weather, diseases, fires, warfare, accidents and other difficult situations.  Protect our military, our first responders, and medical personnel, our volunteers and citizens, and the people throughout the world.  Fill governmental offices with worthy men and women.  We pray these things as well as those that are unspoken in the strong and saving name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

*Lords Prayer                         LSB 162

*Benediction LSB 166

This concludes the service for online viewing


LSB 160ff

Distribution Hymns:

“Here, O My Lord, …”     LSB 631

“Savior, like a Shepherd …”     LSB 711

*Thank the Lord:   LSB 164

*Post-Communion Collect:     LSB 166

*Benediction:   LSB 166

Closing Hymn:            LSB 578   “Thy Strong Word” v 6

As Prayer Warriors with Love, Inc.: Please pray for these classes and the participants.  We do have 2 classes of Alpha taking place this summer. One at Harvest Vineyard on Tuesday evenings, and one at Hope City on Thursday mornings. Please pray that those participating are being touched by our Father, and will grow closer to him.

Please also pray for the Redemptive Compassion class being taught at Hope City on Tuesday evenings. 

Heavenly God Almighty,

You tell us to “not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” (Philippians 4:6).  We thank and praise You our God, You are faithful and trustworthy, full of love, grace and mercy.  Lead and grant Your wisdom to those who lead, legislate and judge in this and other countries.  Heal, comfort, and restore those suffering from weather, diseases, fires, warfare, accidents and other difficult situations.  Protect our military, our first responders, and medical personnel, our volunteers and citizens, and the people throughout the world.  Fill governmental offices with worthy men and women.  We pray these things as well as those that are unspoken in the strong and saving name of Jesus Christ. Amen!



Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church

1024 West Eighth Street, Waterloo Iowa

