Weekly Sermons

Click on the date to open the sermon.

January 7, 2024      The Epiphany of Our Lord

January 14, 2024     The Wedding at Cana

January 21, 2024     The Transfiguration of Our Lord & Life Sanctity Sunday

January 28, 2024     Septuagesima (70 days to Easter)

February 4, 2024     Sexagesima (60 Days to Easter)

February 11, 2024     Faith, hope, and love abide

February 14, 2024   “Yet forty days, and Ninevah shall be overthrown!”

February 18,2024      Temptation is real. So is the devil

February 21, 2024      “Now is the favorable time.”     

February 25 , 2024      "Jacob Wrestles with God… and Prevails"

February 28, 2024       "Peace with God through Faith"

March 4, 2024               "Oculi-My Eyes (Third Sunday in Lent)"

March 6, 2024                "Lent Midweek 3 Ephesians 5:1-9 "

March 10, 2024              The Scriptures are filled with repeated images.

March 13, 2024              What do you want to hear, the Law or the Gospel?

March 17, 2024               Abraham was sorely tested by the LORD

March 20, 2024               You are a royal priesthood, a holy nation.

March 28, 2024                 Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper

March 31, 2024                 Forty days we have waited. Now, the day is here. 

April 14, 2024                    I am the good shepherd,

April 21,2024                      The Lord has much to teach us....

April 28, 2024                     Fifth Sunday of Easter

May 5, 2024                        Are you at peace? Look at the world around you.

May 12, 2024                      Forty days Jesus met with his disciples. 

May 19, 2024                       Now the whole world had one language...

May 26,2024                        Isaiah begins the account of his call...

June 2, 2024                         I’m a Christian; I’m baptized. I believe in Jesus Christ.

June 16, 2024                       Fatherhood is not an easy calling

June 23, 2024                       What do you believe… 

June 30, 2024                        We are living in 2024, not 1530, aren’t we?

July 7, 2024                           Are you angry? Well, not right now hopefully.

July 14,2024                                  The Church’s history with respect to slavery in this country.
